In the 1964 movie  It‘s A Wonderful Life, staring Jimmy Stewart and Donna Reed, there is a scene where Mr. Stewart’s character, George Bailey, who wished he had never been born realizes how different life would have been without him. In that scene, Clarence the angel tells him, “Strange, isn’t it? Each man’s life touches so many other lives. When he isn’t around he leaves an awful hole, doesn’t he?”

Each of our lives touch so many other lives while we live upon this earth. Will others remember us for our kindness or our coldheartedness, our insensitivity and uncaring nature? Will others be drawn to Christ or pushed away from Him because of us? Remember, we reap what we sow.


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Please explain the controversy over the authorship of the last chapter of Mark and tell us all you know about it.
Matthew, Mark and Luke all record this healing, but it is Mark’s account I would like for us to focus upon this morning. As we look at this healing by…
There are a lot of Christians who smoke and use tobacco products. Will this cause people to be lost?
This morning, I would like for us to look at two of Jesus disciples who struggled with humility and hear what Jesus said to them and to us as well.…
Do you struggle with heartache and troubles that people have? Seems things are out of balance with rich people and the people who struggle so hard.
What would it take to get you to respond at the end of this lesson? On Sunday morning, July 3 rd , we were able to consider six reasons why…
How often do we hear the Word of God, but we fail to do it? Maybe sometimes we fail to do what the Word of God says because we don't…
What does a person need who seems to have everything the world considers important? Jesus encountered such a man on one occasion and the exchange which took place between them…
Why do you think intelligent people, from presidents down, can't, don't or won't understand the scriptures enough to know the plan of salvation? There is no one answer to this…

Caution! God At Work!

July 31, 2016
As we look at the Mark 10:1-12 and what Jesus says, I would like for us to begin praying for every couple in this congregation, asking God to strengthen each…