In the 1964 movie  It‘s A Wonderful Life, staring Jimmy Stewart and Donna Reed, there is a scene where Mr. Stewart’s character, George Bailey, who wished he had never been born realizes how different life would have been without him. In that scene, Clarence the angel tells him, “Strange, isn’t it? Each man’s life touches so many other lives. When he isn’t around he leaves an awful hole, doesn’t he?”

Each of our lives touch so many other lives while we live upon this earth. Will others remember us for our kindness or our coldheartedness, our insensitivity and uncaring nature? Will others be drawn to Christ or pushed away from Him because of us? Remember, we reap what we sow.


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To whom shall we go? The answer must be "Jesus!" He is "... the Christ, the Son of the living God". He alone has "...the words of eternal life". Where…
In athletics, we applaud it. In academics, we award it. In Character, we admire it. In craftsmanship, we pay extra for it. In entertainment, we flock to it. In business,…
Parents, simply put, our job is to teach our children how to obey. This is not always easy, is it? It's like the little boy who was overheard praying, "Lord,…

Women of Respect

June 9, 2013
Submission is not a word we like to hear much about these days. Perhaps it is because we hear too much about those who abuse the authority given to them.…
The time is coming when we shall have to stand before the judgment seat of Christ. God has ordained Christ to be the judge of the world (John 5:22). Therefore…
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The Bible. A published book that we have in many homes. Many carry with us regularly. But how did the Word of God last through the many years? How accurate…
Hundreds of towns throughout this country just like here people will gather to remember and honor those who have served this country and given the ultimate sacrifice. Throughout this country,…
Fellowship with God requires that there is no room for hatred in our heart toward our brother. But there is one sense in which we are not to have love…
One of the ways in which Satan is destroying our homes is by taking our fathers away - even when they are physically present in the home, they aren't present…