As the apostle Paul drew his second letter to a close, he sought to stir up what he called the “sincere (pure) mind” of his readers by reminding them of a truth which the prophets, the Lord and the apostles themselves had spoken. The truth refuted by the mockers (scoffers) of their day, was that the end would eventually come and everything as they presently knew it would cease to exist.

Based upon this truth, Peter then asked them a question which is equally applicable to us today “what sort of people ought you to be in holy conduct and godliness?”

It is a true statement as has ever been made. There is coming a day when God will send His Son to judge every person living or dead and our eternal destination will be determined by His verdict. What will He say about you?

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Most people think the Ten Commandments are straightforward and easy to understand. There are only ten of them and they are not very long. A literal translation of  Exodus 34:28…
I believe that many of us have become desensitized in our reading of God’s Word. By this I mean that were we physically present when some of the things of…
Do you find it difficult to be faithful in hard places? Places that make it difficult to be faithful or hard places might be in the company of worldly friends,…

“Your King Comes”

September 15, 2024
We are here today to worship the “King of kings and Lord of lords” (cf. 1 Timothy 6:15; Revelation 19:16). We anticipate the day when . . .  He will…

Into Our Hands

September 8, 2024
The name Ruth Johnson Carruth may not be one you readily recognize. Mrs. Carruth was married to a man named Roy Carruth who had been wounded in WWI. Roy Carruth…

Written By The Finger of God

September 1, 2024
You and I are presently living in an age of moral relativism. Moral relativism is the belief that we are free to make up our own rules, according to our…

A Small Man’s Encounter

September 1, 2024
All of us at one time or another have heard the Bible song about a “wee” man known as Zacchaeus. The story of Zacchaeus and his encounter with Jesus is…
Henry H. Halley said, “Nehemiah was a man of prayer, patriotism, action, courage, and perseverance.” What then can we learn from a leader of leaders?  Do our words and actions demonstrate…
In Mark chapter 10 there is a series of tense situations that lead to one answer for all the problems. In the final tense situation of the series in Mark…
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