The late Dave Thomas, founder of the Wendy’s Restaurant chain, illustrates the learning value of humility in his book Well Done: The Common Guy’s Guide to Everyday Success.  He wrote, “I got my M.B.A. long before my G.E.D. I even have a photograph of me in my M.B.A. graduation outfit – a snazzy knee length work apron. I guarantee you that I’m the only founder among America’s big companies whose picture in the corporate annual report shows him wielding a mop and a plastic bucket. That wasn’t a gag. It was a case of leading by example. At Wendy’s, M.B.A. does not mean Master of Business Administration. It means Mop Bucket Attitude. It’s how we define satisfying the customer through cleanliness, quality food, friendly service, and atmosphere.”

That sounds like humility.

But what does the Bible say humility is?


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Terry Pratchett who was an English humorist and author once said, “Inside every old person is a young person wondering what happened.” To be young, idealistic, and full of energy…

Hope to Disappointment

April 30, 2023
What are men and women full of passion and love for God to do when things move them from hope to disappointment? The Book of Nehemiah teaches us how to maintain…
The adoption of a child is very special both in the life of the new parents and the child. It is special because the parents choose that child from a…
We, humans, like to build physical things. A constructor builds houses, appliances, furniture, and toys. A civil engineer builds bridges, roads, and tunnels.  A seamstress builds clothing. A shoemaker builds…
Are You Suffering Because You Are Living For Christ? Not all suffering is grounds for rejoicing. Peter says that we should make sure that “none of [us] suffers as a murderer,…
Question: The world is going crazy. Are demons literally posing as humans and running the show? Preliminary Answer: No. While it is true that . . . “Satan disguises himself…
What motivates us to do the things we do in life? You might be thinking, “that question has a number of answers” and you are right. We generally eat because…
If we were to consider all of redemptive history to be a play, you and I would be living during the last act. God created the heavens and the earth.…
Does the second part of Luke 9:24 mean that Whoever loses their life will find it for His sake, or Whoever loses their life because of His sake will find it? If we are…
I want to encourage you to live a life of purity. It may mean that you will suffer for your faith. Know that if you are treated unjustly it is…