The late Dave Thomas, founder of the Wendy’s Restaurant chain, illustrates the learning value of humility in his book Well Done: The Common Guy’s Guide to Everyday Success.  He wrote, “I got my M.B.A. long before my G.E.D. I even have a photograph of me in my M.B.A. graduation outfit – a snazzy knee length work apron. I guarantee you that I’m the only founder among America’s big companies whose picture in the corporate annual report shows him wielding a mop and a plastic bucket. That wasn’t a gag. It was a case of leading by example. At Wendy’s, M.B.A. does not mean Master of Business Administration. It means Mop Bucket Attitude. It’s how we define satisfying the customer through cleanliness, quality food, friendly service, and atmosphere.”

That sounds like humility.

But what does the Bible say humility is?


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God Wants Your Heart

June 5, 2016
God's Word has a great deal to say about our heart. In Psalm 15:1, David, who by the way was a man after God's own heart, asks the question, "O…
The question tonight, in our Questions and Answers Series comes from a group of passages (John 14:1; Hebrews 9:28; Colossians 3:4; Acts 1:9-11; John 5:28-29; Matthew 25:31-46; Romans 14:10-12). The…
In the reading of John 13:1-4, we find the disciples are together with Jesus at The Last Supper before He is to be arrested and subsequently put to death. Prefiguring…
Has there ever been a time in your life when you found that something became clearer simply because you looked at it from a different perspective? Have you been working…
If we are faithful Christians and we do sin, if we ask for forgiveness, why will we be judged? Will Jesus turn us away that day? Why will He judge…
A Christian's mission is to share the Good News of Jesus Christ. As God's people, we are to preach His plan. It is the Gospel of Christ that is needed.…
A Christian's mission is to share the Good News of Jesus Christ. As God's people, we are to preach His plan. It is the Gospel of Christ that is needed.…
We often think of Mother's Day as a happy day, but that is not always the case. For some of you, today is a difficult day because your mother is…
The question tonight, in our Questions and Answers Series comes from two passages: Romans 8:29-30; Ephesians 5:1-11. The question is, "What is the concept of predestination? Are we predestined? If…