Perhaps, like me, many of you have, over your lifetime, made a list of places  you would like to visit.  My list is long, and it gets longer with the passing of time:

  • a. The New England states in the fall of the year.
  • b. Amish country in Pennsylvania.
  • c. The Grand Canyon in Arizona.
  • d. Mount Rushmore in the Black Hills of South Dakota
  • e. The Redwood Forests of California
  • f. Lake Tahoe in the Sierra Nevada Mountains
  • g. Alaska
  • h. Scotland and Ireland
  • i. Keele University near Staffordshire England

But the one place to which I want to go and stay is heaven, the eternal reward of the redeemed and the home of my heavenly Father. I want to see my Father, His Son and Holy Spirit in all their glory.  I want to see the myriad upon myriads of angels.  I want to see the great host of the redeemed. I want to see the beautiful city and the new heavens and earth in which righteous dwells.

Our word for this week is “heaven” and my task is to share enough of God’s

revelation about it with you that you, too, will want to be there.

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