Are you a part of God’s family? Do you have fellowship with God our Father through the blood of His Son, Jesus? Are you working with His Holy Spirit to accomplish God’s purposes  here upon this earth? If not, will you make the decision to be a part of His fellowship?

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Do you ever remember, as a younger person, having someone in your life that you wanted to emulate? That person exhibited certain characteristics or abilities which you hoped to develop…
There’s a line that’s been drawn thru the ages, on that line stands the old rugged cross; On that cross a battle is raging, for the gain of man’s soul…
In Christ, we have spiritual blessings that provide for us the means of overcoming temptation that leads to sin. In Christ, we learn how to overcome temptation.
Please bear with me as I introduce this morning’s lesson. While it may have a depressing beginning, I promise the ending is much more uplifting. Most, if not all of…
The nation of Judah was a spiritual train wreck. Though Manasseh had attempted to undo the spiritual damage he had brought to Judah following the death of his righteous father,…
Have you ever noticed how problems grow? When a problem first arises, we might not even be aware that there is a problem. As time passes the problem becomes more…
What is our attitude toward truth? We know what always telling the truth pleases God because God always tells the truth. His servants are admonished to come to Him in…
Jesus is coming back. When I do not know. I only know that He is. The question for each of us this morning is how will we live in anticipation…
How do you stay motivated to stay a Christian? What steps do you take in your Christian walk to stay faithful? Do you rely on others? The Word? Yourself? In…

The Godly Father

June 16, 2019
This morning our reading takes us back to a place known as Shechem, a very important place in the history of God’s people, Israel. All of this brings us to…