You and I serve a great God who has chosen to adopt us into His family.We now have the privilege of calling Him our Father and going to His throne of grace through prayer, “so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need” (Hebrews 4:16). Reserved for us in heaven is a great inheritance which will not fade away (1 Peter 1:4).  However, there are some requirements which come with having God as our Father.


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After revealing to us all that God has done for us in Christ, Paul began the second part of his letter by urging the Christians in Ephesus and us as…

Women of God

May 12, 2024
There are a host of emotions which accompany this day, many of which are not up-lifting. Here is what I mean: a. Somewhere, there may be a couple sitting in…
The way in which you and I live our lives is often described by the apostle Paul as a walk. Here in 2:1-2 of his letter to the Ephesians, he…
Throughout this chapter (4) of Paul’s letter to the Christians in Ephesus, he has implored them to “walk in a manner worthy of the calling with which [they] have been…

Be The One

April 28, 2024
Two of the easiest words to say in the English language are two of the most neglected — they are the words “Thank you.” For those of us who are…
The devil knows what will be appealing to us. He uses temptations to pervert us and weaken us. He entices us to desire something that leads us away from safety…
With respect to doing good, attitudes within the body of Christ vary from member to member and from one subgroup to another. Everyone seems to understand that we all should…
There are certain qualities that we ought to possess if we are going to be effective in helping others learn and obey the Gospel. Be a faithful Christian. Have a…
What happens after you are baptized? You may have asked this question yourself or heard someone ask this question. Now What? The answer is that we go about living our…

Acts of Sin

April 7, 2024
Sin separates men and women from God. If sin is not sincerely repented of from godly sorrow and put away, it will bring disaster to the sinner and those associated…