An eldership (as God designed and desires) involves a plurality of men who Scripturally lead, feed, protect, guide, guard, and watch over a congregation. Elders have responsibilities to the church and the church has responsibilities to the elders. Church government is of utmost importance because a church will not rise above its leaders.

Elders want the church to grow numerically, so they plead for men and women to believe in Jesus (John 8:24), turn from their sins in repentance (Acts 17:30-31), confess Jesus as the Christ (Romans 10:9-20), and be baptized  (Acts 2:38).  Elders also want to see the church grow in maturity, so they plead with the unfaithful to humble themselves before God (James 4:10), repent (Acts 17:30), confess their faults (1 John 1:9), and pray for forgiveness (Acts 8:22).

The promise is made to faithful elders in 1 Peter 5:4 that “when the Chief Shepherd appears, you will receive the unfading crown of glory.” Each one of us can receive a crown – the crown of life (Revelation 2:10), if we are faithful when the time comes for all to be judged. Be obedient to the will of God.

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