Is the word Creation important in God’s Word? You had better believe it is.  Because we have a Creator and we are His loving creation, life for us takes on a whole other meaning than it does for the person who believes that we just happened.

Where did we come from and where are we going? Is this life all there is? Is death the end of all of my deepest aspirations and longings?

What is the purpose of human life?

You are important. You have purpose, and you have a destiny to fulfill.

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February 26, 2017
"No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted." (Aesop) "Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see." (Mark Twain) Kindness can…
Many in this community have vivid memories of May 1-2, 2010 when according to the National Weather Service 13.57 inches of rain was measured during a 36- hour period. The…


February 19, 2017
The Bible uses several different terms that work together to explain forgiveness. They represent forgiveness as the restoring of a relationship, treating with mercy one who deserves anger, granting acquittal,…
Almost 70 years ago L. O. Sanderson, one of our brothers in Christ, under the pen name Vana R. Raye wrote a hymn which was first published in the 1948…


February 12, 2017
What is LOVE? What does it look like? How would you define it? Our culture has used it in so many ways that it has lost much of its meaning.…

He Lives!

February 5, 2017
There is nothing greater this morning than to be a Christian, a child of God. Every spiritual blessing with which our heavenly Father seeks to bless us is found in…


February 5, 2017
At the beginning of our study this year, we learned that "By the word of the Lord the heavens were made, And by the breath of His mouth all their…
I love the LORD because He is so good to me. I love the LORD because He never breaks a promise. I love the LORD because He gives to all…


January 29, 2017
Our devotional study has prepared us for a closer look at the word "grace" in God's word. The Old Testament term for grace describes favor shown by one person to…

Forsaken By God

January 22, 2017
What is the most terrifying experience of life? a. Fear?, b. Hurt?, c. Lost and forsaken? At the ninth hour Jesus cried out with a loud voice, "Eloi, Eloi, lama…