One day we will each have to give an account for what God has given us to do. Let us be sure that we don’t take what God has given to us and bury it away, but use it in a way that honors the God who gave it to us. The following series of lessons, brought to us by Jeff Keele is a good reminder to put on the servant attitude and work to bring people to our Father. By living in an way that mimics His Son’s life we can be servants for Him.

Paul calls upon each of us to change the way we think: About ourselves, about one another, and about our gifts. If we make excuses for not using our gifts we are in danger of experiencing the same condemnation as the slave who received the one talent in Jesus’ parable (Matthew 25:14-30).

Do you remember something about which you have been enthusiastic? Perhaps, you were so excited that you couldn’t even sleep the night before. When Paul exhorts us to be “fervent in spirit,” he is utilizing an idiom from his day, it literally meant “to boil in the spirit.”

Do we serve the Lord with enthusiasm? Can others tell that we care for one another? If your answer is no, then I must ask you, what are you doing to change things?

What Child Is This?

December 24, 2023
It is at this time of the year that the hearts and minds of many the world over are turned to the birth of God’s Son. While no one definitively…


December 17, 2023
“God-fidence: Knowing I can’t but He can.” Overconfidence is obnoxious and overbearing. Lack of confidence often makes us our own worst enemy and is the reason we give up too…
We have come to the last of our lessons on elders. Over the last three weeks we have focused on . . .Who these men are and why we need…
God has great power available toward us who believe. It is power which according to Paul is “in accordance with the working of the strength of His might” (1:19). It…
This morning as we continue to look at the character traits that God looks for in these men, I will also see what God expects them to be able to…
Paul’s letter to the Christians in Ephesus is rich in what it details for us concerning our standing in Christ. It is as if Paul says “I have so much…
The church, the body of Christ, of which many of us here this morning are a part, if it is to function at its greatest potential, needs godly leaders. This…
Upon investigating Thanksgiving in both the Old and New Testament, we come to three questions that will show us why we are to truly be thankful. What blessings have we…
Two of the most powerful words you have in your vocabulary are the words “Thank you.” Many of us may recognize Paul’s words to the Christian in Colosse, “Let the…

Who Are We?

November 5, 2023
You and I, like the Ephesians before us, are people who God has blessed “with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ.” How has God blessed us? What…