Sunday is a special day. But why? Is it because we meet together in “sweet communion” or that we sing “the song of the redeemed”?  Is it because we come together to feast upon the Bread of Life, to learn of Him who is the Lamb of God and the Lion of the tribe of Judah? Or is it because we are simply fulfilling our obligation, keeping a set of rules and regulations?

The Sabbath was a day in which the Israelites were not to do what they would ordinarily do the other six days of the week.  It was a day of refreshment (Exodus 23:12). Besides being a day of refreshment, it was to be a day of remembrance and worship. But the purpose of the Sabbath digressed into mere legalistic prohibitions which sapped it of God’s original benevolent intent. “The Sabbath was made for man, and not man for Sabbath”. God did not create man to be a victim and the slave of the Sabbath rules and regulations which were intended to make man’s life better.

During Jesus’ earthly life and ministry He honored the seventh day as a day of worship and took care to demonstrate its original benevolent purpose. After His resurrection, the day of worship began to be observed on the first day of the week. This day, the first day of the week, came to be called “the Lord’s Day”.  The principles which we draw from Jesus’ teaching that day apply to the Lord’s Day as well.  There is  great deal more to our religion than Sunday observance…

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