Today we began our Fall Gospel Meeting with Brother Steve Baggett from Walnut Street Church of Christ as our speaker. He will be sharing with us a messages from God’s word with the theme of “Longing for Jesus.”

  • Longing for Jesus, Mindfully
  • Love, Tears, and Forgiveness
  • What Shall I Do, Lord?
  • He Receives Sinners
  • God’s Amazing Grace
  • Return to Me

The series of lessons will be posted to this post as the week continues. Check back each night to hear an awesome message shared with us.

In Christ Jesus there are no works of merit. God does not owe us anything. Salvation is a gift to honor not earn. Our justification is in Jesus Christ not…
In his gospel, the apostle John records that at the Last Supper, Jesus had told His disciples that where He was going they could not follow Him at that time,…
We cannot help but ask ourselves certain questions: a. Why are there so many different denominations? b. Can't the followers of Jesus Christ learn to get along? c. What can…
Are there sins crouching at your door - are you envious of others because the are smarter, better looking, more talented, or more success than you. Choose today to confront…
Greed is yet another enemy of the heart, one that damages the soul. Greed says, "what's mine is mine because I earned it." But greed is difficult to identify in…

Perhaps we have all had those times when we made a choice to do something we knew was wrong or we failed to do something we knew to do -…