Seldom in life do any of us find ourselves in an absolute Win-Win situation. A Situation in which it makes no difference in how events turn out. Consider for a moment yesterday’s Tennessee vs. Alabama game — if you loved both teams equally then you would be happy regardless of which team won.  Or you are a person who doesn’t care whether it rains or shines, you enjoy the day either way.  When it comes to our lives as Christians we can’t lose. As Paul put it in his letter to the Christians in Philippi — to live is Christ; to die is gain.  To put it another way, being a Christian is the most wonderful thing in the world!
Even though Paul longed to depart from this life so that he would go and be with Christ, he knew three things:
a. First, it was not His choice to make, he was a servant of Christ and Christ would continue to use him as he saw fit.
b. Secondly, as he said, “to remain on in the flesh is more necessary for your
sake” (v. 24) — it was more important for his brethren at Philippi and other places that he continue in this world.
c. Third, as Paul said, “I know that I will remain and continue with you all for your progress and joy in the faith” (v. 25).
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