You and I are living in what is being called our “new normal”.  All of our actions and decisions right now are governed by the Coronavirus or COVID-19. Because of that our focus is upon staying at home, providing for our necessities and taking care of our families. As Christians, God calls us to focus our minds and our energies on that which will bring the greatest good into our own lives and the lives of those around us.  In His prayer to His Father on the night before His crucifixion, Jesus said that eternal life is to know God, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom He has sent to redeem us (John 17:3).

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Do you know God? Is He your hope?  If so, then you should be a person who is busy doing good, who is rich in good works, who is generous and ready to share with others. If this does not describe you, then is it possible that you do not truly know God?  Won’t you come to know Him and His Son today?