Disabled ManAre you like the beggar in Acts 3,  disabled by the sin in your life? Living from day to day. Content with the scraps and bones which Satan constantly throws to you?

The God we serve promises to create you anew, make you whole again, through His promised Savior, Jesus Christ.  Are you a Christian who has lost your focus, having taken your eyes off of Jesus? God wants you once again to look to Him and realize that it is His Glory you were meant to reflect. – only then will your life be a true instrument of God’s peace.

What will save a person from his sins? Acceptance of Jesus Christ through faith which leads the person to repent of sin, confess belief in Jesus’ resurrection, and be baptized…
The ability for you and I to enjoy our lives, no matter how short or long they may be, is God’s gift to us. He longs to give us “wisdom…
What is it that really counts in life?  There are many things which we are constantly told we must have or ways in which we must behave if we are…
Friends are friends forever if the Lord’s the Lord of them! Proverbs 17:17 reads, “A friend loves at all times, And a brother is born for adversity.” Friends are friends…
Many of the sermons that we as preachers preach to the congregations before us are usually for the purpose of exhortation or correction.  But there are also times when it…
It’s good to have the things which money can buy, provided you don’t give up the things which money can’t buy. Ask yourself, “What is it costing me in terms…
God the Father, “according to His great mercy,” gave us a new covenant to show us the new way to approach Him through the new birth. By our response to…

New Things

October 9, 2022
New things have a way of intriguing all people, both young and old. New products and new things are continually flooding the market. Some people spend all their time just…
Solomon teaches us to embrace our human frailty and to think clearly about time. In order to live well, you and I must accept two things: a. We are bound…
Verse 31, of Joshua chapter 24, tells us that not only did Israel serve “the Lord all the days of Joshua,” but also throughout “all the days of the elders…