Being a father is never easy.  It is much more than simply getting up, going to work, and bringing home a paycheck to make sure that you keep a roof over your head and food on the table.  Being a father also means living with integrity; being a man of open honor and honesty. Some of the greatest lessons I learned from my father came not from what he said, but what he did. Our children watch our every step to see how we live our lives and whether or not our walk matches our talk. The legacy we leave is seen in how they eventually walk themselves.

It can be found a sad feeling that God had to destroy an entire generation of people before He found people who would listen to Him and obey Him. And…
The Bible teaches that election and predestination and involved in the process of salvation. In Romans 8:29-30 the apostle Paul writes of those whom God "foreknew, He also predestined to…
Jesus understood the value of time, therefore He prioritized His life and disciplined Himself accordingly. He never put Himself in situations where He was rushed or in a hurry. These…
When considering great ministers in the New Testament one must mention Peter and Paul. In fact, comparison and contrast is a great way to look at these two ministers and…
In this second session of the series of "Speaking to Religious Authorities", we will be looking at the second of two speeches Peter made to religious authorities. In the first…
There is a hymn which our youth often sing a various youth functions, "I Am A Sheep". If you are a Christian today they you enjoy this special privilege, God…
Most of you in this audience will remember a show in the ‘70's which came on every Saturday night called Hee Haw. In that show there was a song the…
By word count with 32,902 words the book of Numbers is the largest book in the Pentateuch and the fifth largest in the Old Testament. It's name comes from the…
What is the meaning of human life? How does a person find purpose for his or her existence? By what standard (if any) should a person measure his behavior? Should…
Dale Jenkins posted on the social media, Facebook, "Love is a verb... that becomes a noun. Now, go live that verb! Verb it up today." The interchange of love as…