Our Gospel Meeting is under way! We are blessed to have speaking with us again, Brother Donnie DeBord. He will be bringing six lessons to us this week. All of these lesson will be powerful and inspirational to anyone who is a believer or non-believer in God and who God is. Below are the lessons his bringing to us this week. Stay tuned as this list will grow as the week continues.

All that we might muster in the form of “self-made religion and self-abasement and severe treatment of” our physical bodies will prove to be of “no value against fleshly indulgence”…
Many people today feel that they are morally upright people and that God is somehow pleased with them. Their line of reasoning may go something like this:  "Everyone knows that…
Do you remember singing the words of this song as a young person growing up in the Lord’s family? Some folks may ask me, some folks may say, “Who is…
Last week we looked at God's call of this timid soul and Gideon's tests to determine whether or not it was actually God who had called him. Or God truly…
If we are to walk in Christ, our whole lives must be lived in an awareness of His presence. Paul paints two pictures for us of how this is evident…
God always does things the right way! Many times it may not be the way we would do it, but then again His ways are not our ways, and His…
Have you ever noticed the different terms we use to describe houses, especially ones we might like to build? a. Ranch style b. American Craftsman c. Cape cod d. A-frame…
The book of Judges is filled with sin, violence and the judgement of God. It is a book of action which probably appeals more to the men than it does…
In 1911, William Pierson Merrill penned the words which form the title of our lesson this morning. Permit me to share the words of the first stanza with you: Rise…
No doubt most, if not all, of us can name at least one individual who came to Christ in the prime of their life, but later fell away. For many…