Bearing with one another begins with our knowing God’s love for us — He has chosen us and set us apart as His own. It also involves our putting on these various qualities in our lives: compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. Beyond that, we must forgive one another just as the Lord has forgiven us. Love is what ties it all together — we prove ourselves to be God’s people.
Can others tell that we are a Christian . . .
a. which bears with one another?
b. where forgiveness is practiced on a regular basis?
c. that is bound together by a love which cannot be broken?
When we live these things out in our lives, God uses us to draw others to Himself. Let’s ask God to help us be what He calls us to be so that one day we may rejoice when someone tells us, “it was because of what I saw in you that I made the decision to become a Christian.”
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