Does James Contradict Paul?

In case you have missed any of our 2012 Fall Gospel Meeting here at the Waverly Church of Christ, you have the opportunity to catch up on of the wonderful lessons below. The lessons have been very well presented and well studied. Chris Kemp is a magnificent speaker who is well versed in God’s Word.

These series of lessons, with the theme of “Does James contradict Paul?”, bring an in depth look at grace based theology.  Are we saved through grace or merit? And how the answer is justified by scripture. We encourage you to open your heart as you listen and our prayer is that you will “grow in grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ” (2 Peter 3:18)

-Evan Glenn, Broadcast Minister


The Greatest Commands

November 6, 2016
As I continue to read and study God’s Word, I often find myself with questions about something I have read.Perhaps you are the same. During His time upon this earth,…
Do you think that the Holy Spirit will sometimes comfort us in a way that we will know that it is the Holy Spirit comforting us? And a revisit of…
Most of us who have done any personal evangelism have had persons respond, “I could not live the Christian life if I started.” They know some facts. a. They know…
For better or worse our families impact us. While we may never be able to change our family circumstances, we can control our attitude toward our families and have a…
In the last week of Jesus’ life upon this earth before His crucifixion, He was challenged by different groups who attempted to trap Him in a statement and thus discredit…
Tonight's lesson in the Question and Answers Series is on Christ coming back at the end of time and reigning for one thousand years. This is something that has been…

Caesar’s Or God’s

October 16, 2016
There is an ancient proverb which dates back 2,400 years to India that states, “The enemy of my enemy is my friend.” Such is the case in our text today.…
What is necessary for a successful family? An effective family must be built by the Lord. Marriage and family counseling uses a triangle of love that can used to illustrate…

It’s God’s Vineyard

October 9, 2016
Jesus was approached by “the chief priests and the scribes and the elders” who had two questions for Him: "28 and began saying to Him, "By what authority are You…
God sealed you and marked you as His follower with the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is promised by Christ to be sent by Him and the Father. The Holy…