There is a definite need for truth in our lives and in our society. Not just truth, as in the sense, “to tell the truth” but “the truth” the gospel of God. This is the only truth which has the power to change a person’s life and give them a new life which is guided by eternal principles, eternal truths. If your life is not guided by this truth, why not make the decision to give yourself to Jesus Christ in obedient faith right now!
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Paul's conversion story teaches up to refuse the tragedies of our past living and rise to the challenge of the need for change in our present lives. We need to…
Much in our society has changed since we have gone from being an agrarian based society to a technologically based one.One of those changes is that we have become slaves…
How would you define prosperity? Jesus said that true prosperity is to be "rich toward God" (Luke 12:21). True prosperity is to have a prosperous soul. A prosperous soul walks…
The author of Hebrews compares our Christian journey in this life as a race and, in fact it is a lifelong, grueling race. a.) In this race, we are not…
The blessings which John declares "will be with us" come from both the Father and the Son. They are blessings which we all need; grace, mercy and peace. They are…
Since the fifth century, men have been writing Christmas carols and hymns to praise God for the birth of His Son. These carols are all hymns of worship. Over the…
Have you ever noticed how we tend to identify people? He is the coach's son. She is the boss' daughter. She is Tom's wife or Mary's husband. When it comes…
Are you in debt? House, car, medical bills, credit card(s), taxes? Do you have a debt that you will be paying until the day you die? Paul says that we…
A faithful Christian example models Christian morality, builds on a Biblical foundation, uses God given abilities, lives a purpose driven life, lets their light shine, exercises dedicated perseverance, and aims…
There are many people in the world today who have dual citizenship: a.) They are regarded as a citizen of more than one state at the same time (e.g., our…