God cares about our suffering. He does not ignore us. Sometimes we must endure our suffering because it makes us stronger. In those times, we need His strength to see us through, even if our suffering ultimately results in our death. We should pray. We should praise. God has. God does. God will lead us through our suffering.

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When you think no one is watching, do you step in, step up, or step away? The ethical and moral decisions that must be made should be made based upon…
What must Christians do when opinions collide? Paul said that those who are strong in faith must not look down in contempt at those who are weak in faith. Likewise,…
You have been called by God. You are loved by God. You are kept by God. "Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling, and to make…

Accept One Another

January 17, 2016
Time and again we see in God's Word just how much He desires unity among His people (Psalm 133:1-3; John 17:20,21). Too often, however, there are things which interfere with…
Paul's conversion story teaches up to refuse the tragedies of our past living and rise to the challenge of the need for change in our present lives. We need to…
Much in our society has changed since we have gone from being an agrarian based society to a technologically based one.One of those changes is that we have become slaves…
How would you define prosperity? Jesus said that true prosperity is to be "rich toward God" (Luke 12:21). True prosperity is to have a prosperous soul. A prosperous soul walks…


January 3, 2016
The author of Hebrews compares our Christian journey in this life as a race and, in fact it is a lifelong, grueling race. a.) In this race, we are not…
The blessings which John declares "will be with us" come from both the Father and the Son. They are blessings which we all need; grace, mercy and peace. They are…
Since the fifth century, men have been writing Christmas carols and hymns to praise God for the birth of His Son. These carols are all hymns of worship. Over the…