Our word for this week is the word “Faith”, but what is faith?

Some Christians think that it means blind acceptance: “You’ve just to go believe.”

Some skeptics agree: “Faith is believing in something without good reasons to do so.” – Steven Pinker, evolutionary psychologist who opposed mandatory religion classes at Harvard.

Both are mistaken; such ignorance of the nature of faith leads to:

  • Shallowness of faith among Christians.
  • Prejudice against faith among skeptics.

In order to avoid misunderstanding the nature of faith, especially the nature of Christian faith, we are going to look at both.


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Same Sex Marriage

August 6, 2010

God Hates Divorce

July 21, 2010

Peril of Adultery

June 30, 2010


May 2, 2010

Recipe for Life

February 22, 2010