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What convicting question do you need to ask yourself to examine? What questions do I not want other to ask of me? It is time to examine yourself, lay out…
Phillip in the middle of Jesus' power, so close to Him having witnessed what He had done. He turned the teachings to money. So often times when we are struggling…
I have tried many times to read the Bible through, but when I get to the "begats" I finally stop all together. How do you feel is the best way…

A Woman To Be Remembered

December 4, 2016
Throughout Scripture there are women which the Holy Spirit has made a point to bringing to our attention: Women like . . . a. Deborah, the prophetess (Judges 4) b.…
Would you please comment on whether or not John 7:53 - 8:11 is original to the Gospel of John. If it is not, what is to be our approach to…
Today, I want to encourage you to remember all that God has done for you, to a. Count your many blessings b. Name them one by one The blessings we…
Would you please comment on 1 Peter 4:6 and 2 Peter 2:4? 1 Peter 4:6 "For the gospel has for this purpose been preached even to those who are dead,…

Be On The Alert

November 20, 2016
Just like the man away on a journey who assigned to each of his slaves a task, so God has given us work to do until He returns. Instead of…
In this prayer of thanksgiving the psalmist wrote to all nations and peoples encouraging them to praise God. This Psalm is neatly structured into three units or stanza. The first…

The Heart of A Giver

November 13, 2016
Do you know anyone who is a “people watcher”? A people watcher is someone who likes to watch people: a. What they say and do — how they act. b.…