Do you remember those days when you thought that your dad could do anything? Maybe you still think that. I hope that you do have such fond memories of your dad. Dads have a way of convincing us that they can do anything. They put together our toys and they repair the things we break. They fix problems around the house whether plumbing, roofing, or electrical. They are constructors and remodelers, mechanics, mowers of the lawn, farmers, Dads are protectors, punishers and providers. Dads can be counselors and chauffeurs. Sometimes dads are the ones that have to be the doctor. At other times they are the chef (even if it is cereal for breakfast, pop tarts for lunch and candy for supper). Real dads have great love for their children and the mother of those children. Godly dads make great role models.

Only Christians can reminisce of a father who is the perfect portrait of fatherhood. His genuine love being expressed in John 3:16, “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.”

Men, are you leaving your family a legacy of faith and hope in the promises of God? What do you want to leave your family, a successful career or faith and hope in the promises of God? True success is succeeding spiritually with your family.

Repentance is "sorrow". 2 Corinthians 7:9-10 shows that repentance is an outcome of sorrow. Sorrow leads to repentance; sorrow itself is not repentance That repentance is "a changed life". Some…
When most of us hear the word “watchman” our minds produce an image of a single individual who is given the responsibility to keep guard during the lonely hours of…


August 20, 2017
God expects us to use our minds (Matthew 22:36-38; John 8:32) We do not have to commit "intellectual suicide" in order to have faith. A weak faith is the result…
Many of us as parents have had a child who promised to do something which we told them to do, but never did. They may have explained away their failure…


August 13, 2017
“Redeemed, how I love to proclaim it; redeemed by the blood of the lamb.” When we look at who God is and who Jesus is and all they have done…
You and I have always heard it called “the parable of the workers (laborers) in the vineyard,” but this title assumes that the workers are the focus of the parable.…


August 6, 2017
Our word for tonight is Kingdom. God's Kingdom has a past, present and future dimension. Listen along as we discuss these as we learn more about the word "Kingdom."
Except in the first year of a new president’s term, the President of the United States speaks to the Senate and the House of Representatives in a joint session of…


July 30, 2017
The Bible describes the attempt of various people to worship God. Cain and Able brought worship to God and from them we learn that God expects the worshiper to have…
Jesus began the parable by telling us that a certain king decided one day “to settle accounts with his servants” (v. 23) One particular servant is brought to the king…