Do you remember those days when you thought that your dad could do anything? Maybe you still think that. I hope that you do have such fond memories of your dad. Dads have a way of convincing us that they can do anything. They put together our toys and they repair the things we break. They fix problems around the house whether plumbing, roofing, or electrical. They are constructors and remodelers, mechanics, mowers of the lawn, farmers, Dads are protectors, punishers and providers. Dads can be counselors and chauffeurs. Sometimes dads are the ones that have to be the doctor. At other times they are the chef (even if it is cereal for breakfast, pop tarts for lunch and candy for supper). Real dads have great love for their children and the mother of those children. Godly dads make great role models.

Only Christians can reminisce of a father who is the perfect portrait of fatherhood. His genuine love being expressed in John 3:16, “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.”

Men, are you leaving your family a legacy of faith and hope in the promises of God? What do you want to leave your family, a successful career or faith and hope in the promises of God? True success is succeeding spiritually with your family.

We Need to Worry More

October 29, 2017
To worry about something you can't change is useless. To worry about something that you can change is foolish; just change it.
While you and I continue to live on this earth in our bodies, we have the opportunity to exalt Christ by . . . a. Guarding our eyes — from…


October 22, 2017
How often have you heard the word “gospel” in your lifetime? For many of you here tonight, it is far more times than any of us could count! Like Scripture,…
In our text this morning, Paul reveals to us his own unpleasant circumstances. However, he doesn’t allow those circumstances to weigh him down and cause him to become bitter about…


October 15, 2017
Prophets were "individuals called and empowered by God to declare His will to His people, including the disclosure of His future intentions to save and judge His people. God called…
The Scriptures present us with plenty of information that would lead to the unanimous conclusion, “No, Jesus did not deserve death.” He was without sin (Hebrews 4:15). He “committed no…


October 8, 2017
What is truth? This question was asked of Jesus by the Roman Procounsel Pilate almost 2,000 years ago, and is still being asked today? The word “truth” is used in…


September 24, 2017

There are many changes that have taken place in our nation over the past decades that have led our nation away from God. It’s never too late to change, but…