A practice acceptable to many people today is that of cohabitation before marriage. A couple who intend to get married decide to live together first. Yet research suggests something different.…
In our study of 1st John, we have seen thus far that John's aim is that we may have fellowship with the Father and the Son, so our joy may…
Our homes are sacred, they are set apart for the purpose of glorifying God. As men and women of God, our declarartion should be the same as that of Joshua…
A concern of John's first epistle is that we have fellowship with the Father and the Son. He began by stressing the basis upon which we may fellowship with the…
In light of all that God's Word has to say on this subject, homosexual practice is not a variant within a whole range of accepted normality, but a deviation from…
We have taken Christ and His cross out of the center of our homes, out of our congregations, and things will continue to get worse until we put Christ and…

Same-Sex Partnership?

April 14, 2013
We find a great deal of pressure applied on of us to accept what is being called "same-sex marriage" where a man may marry another man or a woman may…
How often have we heard the phrases: "There's no place like home", "Home is where the heart is". For some the word "home" brings fond and cherished memories of special…
Another fundamental doctrine of the Christian faith is the second coming of Christ. Jesus will literally one day return to usher in a series of events that will transform our…

An essential element of the Christian's faith is the resurrection of Jesus. That Jesus' body arose from the dead three days after His crucifixion. Why is faith in Jesus' resurrection…
The Gospel is the "good news" that Christ for our sins and was raised for our justification (Romans 4:25). The gospel is the complete story of God's power, love and…
It is important to believe in the virgin birth of Jesus Christ; otherwise we claim that the New Testament narratives to be false and unreliable and we are more knowledgeable…
If Nicodemus were to be introduced to you today, his credentials would be rather extensive. Can you image being him and having Jesus tell you that all your credentials are…
When you hear the word "precious", who or what enters your mind? Is it a loving spouse? Is it the smile of a child? Is it a look that you…
What can we possible learn from a wedding? Men and women approach them differently. Of all the "signs" John could have written about to demonstrate Jesus' glory, he started with…
In the last few verses of the prologue to his gospel, John identifies the Word. The Word was Jesus Christ who became flesh and lived among men. And whose glory…
The Lord's Supper is a simple act, in which those who are Christians that Partake of unleavened bread and drink of the fruit of the vine. I believe in the…
In the prologue to his gospel, John introduces Jesus as "the Light" that shines in darkness to whom John bore witness and who gives light to every man. Yet John…
Baptism is an integral part of the gospel of Christ, and is indeed the culmination of faith in response to the gospel. Included in the commands of the gospel is…
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