Every hour is precious. Time is perishable and irreplaceable. Managing time is important. Therefore, make the most of your time walking wisely in the counsel of God’s Word. One precious…
Christians can be identified by; how they treat the people around them, by their love for others, by their faith, and how they obey God. How do we come to…
Family is important. Even as I say this I realize that some families are closer knit than other families. Some families are more loving toward one another and more expressive…
You don't get very far in the book of Genesis before God's creation, which He declared to be "very good" (Genesis 1:31) turns very bad. It began with the sin…
When Paul wrote about the Church and specifically each of us as Christians, he used the unique illustration of the human body to his point across. More than 30 times…
God provided a special place for this man that He had created to live, a garden toward the east in Eden. God caused to grow every tree that was pleasing…
I am sure that all of us as parents and grand parents have experienced those times when a little one refuses to share. Perhaps there was a certain toy lying…
We have come to the the final study of the One Word Series and what a powerful word it is. Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the co-equal and co-eternal…
WHAT IS CONTENTMENT? “It is an inner sense of rest or peace that comes from being right with God and knowing that He is in control of all that happens…
As we further examine the nature of God, we have another word to consider in our One Word study. It is the word Christ. A translation of the Hebrew M?šîah,…
There are two things upon which I would like to spend time on in this lesson. Thoughts that Invite Peace of God. Actions that bring the God of peace. Paul…
More often than not we tend to view our heavenly Father through the same lens we have used to see our earthly father. If our earthly fathers have been godly…
Have you ever thought to yourself when someone told you how you should respond to a specific situation in your life, “That’s easy for you to say,” knowing they haven’t…
Our word for this lesson is the word, sovereignty. Both the Old Testament Hebrew word and the New Testament Greek word from which we get sovereignty denote "a kingly reign."…
If you live long enough on this planet it is certain that you will experience conflict with another human being. We experience it as . . . a. Children on…
All of Jerusalem was buzzing with news of a man who was crucified. This news was no surprise, many people had been crucified, in fact two other men were crucified…
Paul had been preaching Christ and serving as His apostle for some 25 years. Still he confessed that his spiritual journey of fully knowing Christ was incomplete. He had not…
The word "Atonement" is taken from the Hebrew word kiper which means; to appease, make amends, make good. Our English word atonement is basically derived from the Anglo-Saxon; "a making…
If you really are willing to die for Jesus, until you’re called upon to do so, will you live for Him? To live for Jesus, a person must live a…
How you ever noticed how at Christmas things are supposed to change for the better? What I mean by that is that people are to be more . . .…