Join us for our Gospel Meeting this week as we open God’s word with Stan Dean from Killen, AL. The first lesson begins this morning starting at 9:00 A.M. Sunday Bible Class.

We will have a fellowship meal following the Sunday Morning worship and then each night through Wednesday evening at 5:30 P.M.

We hope that you are able to attend with us for the wonderful lessons that will be presented.

The topics for each lesson are as follows:

Things That Drain Our Spiritual Passion — Sunday Bible Class

A Spiritual Examination — Sunday A.M. Worship

Telltale Signs You Are Running Dry — Sunday P.M. Worship

The Christian’s Greatest Danger — Monday Evening

What Jesus Had To Say About Losing Our Spiritual Fervor — Tuesday Evening

Will God Continue To Bless America? — Wednesday Evening

How often have we heard the phrases: "There's no place like home", "Home is where the heart is". For some the word "home" brings fond and cherished memories of special…
Another fundamental doctrine of the Christian faith is the second coming of Christ. Jesus will literally one day return to usher in a series of events that will transform our…

An essential element of the Christian's faith is the resurrection of Jesus. That Jesus' body arose from the dead three days after His crucifixion. Why is faith in Jesus' resurrection…
The Gospel is the "good news" that Christ for our sins and was raised for our justification (Romans 4:25). The gospel is the complete story of God's power, love and…
It is important to believe in the virgin birth of Jesus Christ; otherwise we claim that the New Testament narratives to be false and unreliable and we are more knowledgeable…
If Nicodemus were to be introduced to you today, his credentials would be rather extensive. Can you image being him and having Jesus tell you that all your credentials are…
When you hear the word "precious", who or what enters your mind? Is it a loving spouse? Is it the smile of a child? Is it a look that you…
What can we possible learn from a wedding? Men and women approach them differently. Of all the "signs" John could have written about to demonstrate Jesus' glory, he started with…
In the last few verses of the prologue to his gospel, John identifies the Word. The Word was Jesus Christ who became flesh and lived among men. And whose glory…