You and I serve a sovereign God. He is Lord of Heaven and Earth. All things obey His command. He has called us with a heavenly calling and saved us through the blood of His only Son. He loves us with a love that is indescribable. If God is for us who can be against us?

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The Bible assures us that God will create a new earth on which we shall live to God’s praise in glorified, resurrected bodies.  On that new earth, we hope to…
The Sermon on the Plain — or as Luke describes it “a level place” (v. 17). Unlike Matthew’s Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7) which records nine beatitudes, Luke only…
“How blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered!” (Psalm 32:1, NASB95) At the time David wrote these words, the amount of a debt which you might…
The Pharisees of Jesus' day knew the Law which God had given to His people through Moses over 1,400 years earlier. What they may have had questions about, their scribes,…
God’s justice, along with His righteousness lie at the very heart of His sovereign rule. He always does what is right. In the midst of his suffering, Job could not…
I would like for you to look at yet another complaint lodged against Jesus, and His response. I pray that we will see in His Words the hope in which…
Blindness can be categorized as natural or spiritual. Naturally, one might be born blind (like the man in John 9). Or a person might become blind in old age/later seasons…
Have you ever invited someone to come to worship with you and had them say to you, “I’m afraid that the building might fall down if I go in there.”…
When it comes to the New Testament, and the condition of “the believing dead” or the “dead in Christ” between death and the resurrection, there are three important passages we…
Have you ever known someone with news so good that they just couldn’t keep it to themselves (i.e., marriage, birth of a child or grandchild, victory in some contest, finally…