You and I serve a sovereign God. He is Lord of Heaven and Earth. All things obey His command. He has called us with a heavenly calling and saved us through the blood of His only Son. He loves us with a love that is indescribable. If God is for us who can be against us?

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The joy of salvation can be ours even during trials. Importantly, the trials that distress us. Does Peter mean to say that we can be glad in times of trials…
What kind of church would you like? If you could have whatever kind of church you want, what would you choose? We all have preferences, acknowledge it or not we…
Most people think the Ten Commandments are straightforward and easy to understand. There are only ten of them and they are not very long. A literal translation of  Exodus 34:28…
I believe that many of us have become desensitized in our reading of God’s Word. By this I mean that were we physically present when some of the things of…
Do you find it difficult to be faithful in hard places? Places that make it difficult to be faithful or hard places might be in the company of worldly friends,…

“Your King Comes”

September 15, 2024
We are here today to worship the “King of kings and Lord of lords” (cf. 1 Timothy 6:15; Revelation 19:16). We anticipate the day when . . .  He will…

Into Our Hands

September 8, 2024
The name Ruth Johnson Carruth may not be one you readily recognize. Mrs. Carruth was married to a man named Roy Carruth who had been wounded in WWI. Roy Carruth…

Written By The Finger of God

September 1, 2024
You and I are presently living in an age of moral relativism. Moral relativism is the belief that we are free to make up our own rules, according to our…

A Small Man’s Encounter

September 1, 2024
All of us at one time or another have heard the Bible song about a “wee” man known as Zacchaeus. The story of Zacchaeus and his encounter with Jesus is…
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