Paul wrote in Galatians 5:5…

“we through the Spirit, by faith, are waiting for the hope of righteousness.”

We are waiting for the hope which that righteousness will ultimately reveal. Are you looking forward to receiving “the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge” will award on that day to those “who have loved His appearing” (2 Timothy 4:8).


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As we bring this series of studying individuals from Scripture to an end, we examine one Apostle that stands out more than any of the rest. He is known for…


December 22, 2019
Upon hearing the noun “Christmas” everyone has an idea, their own understanding for what that term means. A basic definition for “Christmas” is given as follows: “the annual festival of…
The wise men adorned Jesus with gifts which carried meaning, the true significance of which, as connected with Jesus, was only beginning to be realized. What gifts do you we…
Have you ever had an opportunity which you decided not to pursue? Was there a time later on when you looked back and realized you had made a mistake —that…
All of us who have raised children know that no two siblings are the same. a. One may like the crowds, while the other prefers to be alone. b. One…
Of the twelve men who Jesus chose to be His apostles, John stand out for a particular characteristic - love. He is often referred to as "the apostle of love."…
In all of life it is good once and a while to take stock of where we are and where we should be going. a. Students — What am I…
Contrary to what some would have us believe evil is alive and at work in our world today. But this evil is not just an impersonal force. No, God’s Word…
Every list of the twelve apostles begins with the name Peter. He was first introduced to Jesus by his brother. He is the only apostle to whom Jesus gave another…
This Thanksgiving many of us will gather with family and friends around a table and enjoy sweet fellowship and a great meal. Prior to that meal we will bow our…