God created man and desired a strong relationship with him. However, man is disobedient, selling his soul to the devil. This results in man’s need to be redeemed. God, therefore, used His means for redemption to pay the price so man can be free from the bondage of sin and eternal death. God is the sole redeemer of man because He is the only Being that has the means for redeeming sinful man, the perfect, precious life and blood of His Son.

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It is easy for us emphasize one side of David's character and ignore or minimize the other. The truth is, David did have many weaknesses. Can we imagine the selfishness…
False teachershave plagued the work of God in every age in the history of the world. Satan was the first false teacher telling Eve that God did not really mean…
What's the first thing you do in time of trouble? Everybody has problems from time to time, but not everyone tries to solve their problems in the same way. What…
As Christians we celebrate Christ's resurrection, but we do it every Sunday, not just one Sunday out of the year, because our faith is centered in this event of history.…

The power of God's Word is derived from God Himself. God is Omniscient, able to see into the hearts of man, therefore His Word is able to cut to the…
Are we, the body of Christ helping to lift others up? Are you, helping to lift others up? Some people just have a way about them that when they enter…
In the absence of certainty, there is always room for doubt and hesitation. This is Satan's garden and He tends it well. Consider the case of Thomas. He was absent…
Morality is never just and individual or personal thing. The strands which hold society together, which provide security for its members, are rooted in morality. When we abandon God's standards…