God created man and desired a strong relationship with him. However, man is disobedient, selling his soul to the devil. This results in man’s need to be redeemed. God, therefore, used His means for redemption to pay the price so man can be free from the bondage of sin and eternal death. God is the sole redeemer of man because He is the only Being that has the means for redeeming sinful man, the perfect, precious life and blood of His Son.

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You and I are born to aspire. Throughout our lives we will either hear or have heard inspirational statements such as . . . a. Reach for the stars. b.…
When we remember the man Jephthah, what is foremost in our minds? Is it that he served as a judge of Israel? Is the only judge recruited by men instead…

The Return

September 19, 2018

All that we might muster in the form of “self-made religion and self-abasement and severe treatment of” our physical bodies will prove to be of “no value against fleshly indulgence”…
Many people today feel that they are morally upright people and that God is somehow pleased with them. Their line of reasoning may go something like this:  "Everyone knows that…