As the apostle Paul drew his second letter to a close, he sought to stir up what he called the “sincere (pure) mind” of his readers by reminding them of a truth which the prophets, the Lord and the apostles themselves had spoken. The truth refuted by the mockers (scoffers) of their day, was that the end would eventually come and everything as they presently knew it would cease to exist.

Based upon this truth, Peter then asked them a question which is equally applicable to us today “what sort of people ought you to be in holy conduct and godliness?”

It is a true statement as has ever been made. There is coming a day when God will send His Son to judge every person living or dead and our eternal destination will be determined by His verdict. What will He say about you?

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Caesar’s Or God’s

October 16, 2016
There is an ancient proverb which dates back 2,400 years to India that states, “The enemy of my enemy is my friend.” Such is the case in our text today.…
What is necessary for a successful family? An effective family must be built by the Lord. Marriage and family counseling uses a triangle of love that can used to illustrate…

It’s God’s Vineyard

October 9, 2016
Jesus was approached by “the chief priests and the scribes and the elders” who had two questions for Him: "28 and began saying to Him, "By what authority are You…
God sealed you and marked you as His follower with the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is promised by Christ to be sent by Him and the Father. The Holy…
Do you remember, as a child, pretending to be like someone you admired? Perhaps it was a great person in history, or an athlete or maybe a super hero or…
This is a continuation of the explanation of the Holy Spirit. The Entire Bible is a product of the Holy Spirit. There is knowledge of God in the Old Testament.…
Go with me back in time this morning almost 2,000 years to A.D. 30: a. It is Monday of Passover week, the feast commemorating the night that God passed over…
The question has been asked to give an explanation of the Holy Spirit.
A study of The Book of Life - - the confidence in knowing that your name is in that book.
Although our talents and opportunities differ, the one thing EVERY Christian can do is be faithful; a study of what constitutes faithfulness.