We have come to the final study in the One Word Series. These studies have focused on 53 important words of Scripture in an effort to gain a better understanding of God’s Word, increase love for the Word, and help Christians in their walk with God.

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August 17, 2014
The theme of our meeting is Revive Us Again. With the theme for our meeting in mind let's think about revival. God has given us the opportunity for revival.
Recently, our news has been dominated by the events of the Middle East. Can you imagine a leader of Hamas or one of these Islamic States being converted to Christ…
The pillowing of our heads at night presents us a peaceful time to reflect. The day is done. Our work is over for the day. In our bedroom there is…
In our text today the Holy Spirit has given us a brief glimpse into the lives of two men. One was a man of great authority, responsible for the finances…
Tell me about your God! How today would you acknowledge this request? May we with fairness tell of God? We believe in the existence of God. a.) that He is…
The power of the Gospel does not depend upon our ability to use persuasive arguments. Neither, does the power of the gospel depend on our winsome personalities. The power of…
God moves among men changing lives, accomplishing His purposes. In our text, we read about a Jewish woman named Esther who moved into the arena of God's activity at a…
Any time the Word of God is presented it is intended to be received. The heart of the hearer affects the reception of the Bible (Mark 4). Notice how Jesus…
Too often, the Lord's battle is hindered by the lack of support. Some may be willing to go and teach. But others may not be willing to send and support.…
I think that all of us who are Christians know that God wants us to pray. In Luke 18:1-8, Jesus Stressed the need for prayer. In our lesson, Paul asks…