We have come to the final study in the One Word Series. These studies have focused on 53 important words of Scripture in an effort to gain a better understanding of God’s Word, increase love for the Word, and help Christians in their walk with God.

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God took Israel to Himself as His own covenant people knowing they would be unfaithful to Him. In spite of the betrayal and unfaithfulness, He sought them again and brought…

Christ Is Lord

November 16, 2014

King David thanks the Lord for all the blessings of life. He leads Israel in a prayer of thanksgiving as they prepare to build the Temple and appoint Solomon as…
All of us have questions we wish we had asked: 1.) What will the test be over? Will it be essay, fill-in-the-blank or multiple choice? For what percentage of my…
The choice is ours - as we move forward in a culture which is becoming more and more hostile to our faith, we can either try to: a.) Regain power…
One of the evidences of the inspiration of the Bible is the complete honesty with which it treats its heroes. Since we all have our own weaknesses and conflicts, would…
We have power and authority, but do we abuse or misuse it? We have a trust from God, but will we use it wisely? Corruption spreads downward and starts with…
Most people when they think about worship do not think about it as essential or the most critical thing they will do during the week. If we are not careful…
From that Bible's standpoint, there are many great things which happened in the morning. Jesus spent all night in prayer and "when it was day" He chose His twelve disciples.…

The Blessed Gospel

October 19, 2014
We live in a confusing world! It is a world of increasing technology and information in which I think many of us struggle to keep up. When it comes to…