We have come to the final study in the One Word Series. These studies have focused on 53 important words of Scripture in an effort to gain a better understanding of God’s Word, increase love for the Word, and help Christians in their walk with God.

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The message which the apostle Peter shares with us this morning in 1 Peter 4:7-11 is about perspective. He is urging them to look at their lives through the proper…
How do you use the word "religious?" When you say, "He is a religious man," what is your standard of measurement? a.) He goes to church. b.) He plays golf…
The title of this lesson today is, “Father, help me to be more like your Son.” Paul exhorts us to have the same attitude as Christ Jesus. If we are…
Faith has at least two components. The conviction that there is a great unseen God who exists absolutely and does not depend on us in the least. And, the assurance…
What would make a congregation of God’s people, His spiritual family attractive to you? This morning, as we continue our series on serving within the body of Christ, I want…
When it comes to trials, it's not a matter of if but when we will encounter them in life. The key to getting through them is to avoid asking why…
Some of you may remember a quote that was said by Zig Ziglar. " We all need a daily check up from the neck up to avoid stinkin 'thinkin' which…
Have you ever wondered if we set our clocks by God or He sets His clock by us? We have no only a God who keeps His promise, but one…

Transformed Lives

September 27, 2015
Many of us may remember learning, in grade school, about the four stages of the life cycle of a butterfly: egg, larva, pupa and adult. This life cycle has another…
If you were to ask the average person on the street, "Why is the church important?" you would probably get a variety of answers. For many people here in America,…