We have come to the final study in the One Word Series. These studies have focused on 53 important words of Scripture in an effort to gain a better understanding of God’s Word, increase love for the Word, and help Christians in their walk with God.

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After King Solomon allowed his heart to be turned away from the Lord, he was warned by the Lord not to go after other gods, but he did not listen.
Last week, we examined five character qualifications which God looks for in these men. Paul lists them for us in 1 Timoothy 3:8-9. Men of dignity — men who are…
Maturity refers to the development at the end of a process of growth. The anticipation is that as physical or psychological growth is experienced spiritual growth will also take place.…
When it comes to His church, God’s paramount concern is not with buildings or programs but with the moral and spiritual character of those who lead and care for His…
Years ago, the American poet, John Greenleaf Whittier, wrote "For all sad words of toungue and pen, the saddest are these, 'It might have been.'" Had Solomon listened to and…
The word diakonos is most often used in this sense to refer to servants of God, Christ, the gospel, or the church. Paul uses diakonos most frequently: Usually in reference…
Consider for just a moment the various people who have crossed your path throughout your lifetime. Is there a person who stands out in your mind as having had a…
Have you ever stopped to think about that statement — God chose to save you! It is this truth which Paul declares to us in vv. 4-5 of our text…
If you have died too soon because of the loss of a mate or a child, please resolve to live your life by the power God can provide. If you…
Have you ever stopped to consider how your impressions of another congregation of the Lord’s people? When someone names that certain congregation, what is the first thought or image that…