We have come to the final study in the One Word Series. These studies have focused on 53 important words of Scripture in an effort to gain a better understanding of God’s Word, increase love for the Word, and help Christians in their walk with God.

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Finally, we are going to examine how Jesus teaches us to make peace with enemies who show animosity because we are Christians or simply personal dislike for other reasons. Enemies…
What motivates you? Different people are motivated by different things: Financial reward, the challenge of whatever it may be, recognition by others, personal satisfaction (the satisfaction of accomplishment). For those…
Let's get very personal for a moment. Ask yourself this question, Did I live as I should have in 2013? Take a responsible look back over this past year and…
What is your philosophy of life? Is it that of the robbers? "It's MINE if I can take it from you." Is it that of the Priest and the Levite?…
Many of you have heard the statement, "there are two things you should never discuss in public - religion and politics." One reason often given is that the discussion of…
The best hope for peace with the family comes from above. Don't listen to "family experts" whose own lives and families are a mess. Listen to the God of peace…
Who are you? I am not talking about your given name, or your profession, but your standing before God. For those of us who are Christians, who we are should…
Jesus offers peace with oneself, or peace of mind; which is defined as the absence of mental stress or anxiety, also as serenity, calm, quiet, comfort of mind. Anxiety with…
The Holy Spirit reminds us of who we are, what happens to those who reject Jesus, and the great privileges that is ours. Our life is found in Christ. Jesus…
Jesus died to break down divisions. The division between God and man, making peace with God. The division between man and man, making peace for mankind. What distinctions exist are…