Jesus willingly gave His life to ransom all who became His sheep (John 10:11-18). His death was a unique sacrifice because in His death every prophecy was fulfilled, every promise upheld, every blessing granted, every part of God’s plan was recognized. Furthermore, death had no power over Jesus, therefore He was raised from the dead, bringing hope for sinful man.  Not every person though will believe and obey.  Have you fully surrendered you life to God? Jesus did!

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Have you ever had a day when things just seemed to go from bad to worse? Have you ever said, "Well it can't get any worse than this," only to…
Have you ever thought about the question, "What do I want from life?" We sometimes hear of people making "bucket lists" which include the things they want to do before…
There is a set of English Proverbs that are worded similar: a.) Idle hands are the devil's workshop; b.) Idle hands are the devil's tools ("Collections" 1808); c.) Idle brains…
Many people today have been misled into thinking that God wants them to do whatever it is that will make them happy. Many have been led to believe that worship…
What is our immediate reaction when we learn that a particular congregation is growing in leaps and bounds? A.) Rejoicing? B.) Suspicion? C.) Curiosity? In our lesson today, we find…
It seems that people are always looking for that magic formula or those secret ingredients to one thing or another. How often have you picked up a magazine, newspaper or…

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August 27, 2014

Revival in Worship

August 26, 2014

Revival in the Home

August 25, 2014

Revive Us Again

August 24, 2014