Do you consider yourself to be a Christian? Why or on what basis do you consider yourself to be a Christian? The constant use of the term “Christian” in our day and time has caused it to lose value in the minds of believers. The term is often used to describe many who do not fit the biblical designation of “Christian.” It is extremely important that anyone who wants to be a Christian be obedient to the Lord’s will by accepting the fact that the Lord was crucified for us all an be immersed into His name (1 Corinthians 1:13). You can be obedient to Christ, become a follower of Christ in the sense of the New Testament, and legitimately wear the name Christian. It is not enough to claim to be a Christian; that claim must be based upon and backed by the teaching of the New Testament.

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Dying to Live

July 5, 2015
Baptism is a public declaration that you are making a distinct break with your past life. Becoming a Christian means burning all your bridges to your past life of sin.…
Those who belong to Christ are they who, crucify the flesh in both principle and practice, live in the Spirit from their baptism to the present, and should walk in…
From time to time in our human relationships we may say or do something that makes another person mad or angry. a.) Due to lack of knowledge or understanding in…

Follow Jesus

June 28, 2015
Everyone follows something: friends, popular culture, family, selfish desires, or God. We can only follow one thing at a time as Jesus declared Matthew 6:24 “No one can serve two…
We live in a world today in which people seem to find little reason for rejoicing. Constantly, we are reminded of all the things wrong in our culture: a. Global…
This lesson was adapted from Pulpit Preview December 16, 2011 Vol. 3, No. 25 by Mark N. Posey. A. Do you remember those days when you thought that your dad…
What sustains you in your life? What gives you strength when you are weak? What gives you hope when there seems to be no reason for hope? There is a…
What makes us what we are? We reflect what we gaze upon. How are you doing with your reflection? Are you proud of what you see? Do you let the…

A Reason to Boast

June 7, 2015
Have you ever boasted about anything? a.Your accomplishments (education, athletic, business, etc.)? b. The accomplishments of your children, grandchildren? Sometimes our boasting is much more subtle: a.) Pictures lining the…
Wouldn't it be nice to belong to the perfect church: a.) Everyone always getting along, no personality conflicts or disagreements. b.) Faithful in following the teaching of Scripture. c.) Elders…