Do you consider yourself to be a Christian? Why or on what basis do you consider yourself to be a Christian? The constant use of the term “Christian” in our day and time has caused it to lose value in the minds of believers. The term is often used to describe many who do not fit the biblical designation of “Christian.” It is extremely important that anyone who wants to be a Christian be obedient to the Lord’s will by accepting the fact that the Lord was crucified for us all an be immersed into His name (1 Corinthians 1:13). You can be obedient to Christ, become a follower of Christ in the sense of the New Testament, and legitimately wear the name Christian. It is not enough to claim to be a Christian; that claim must be based upon and backed by the teaching of the New Testament.

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There are probably more lost souls in the United States that are in need of missions
A report was given to Jesus. For whatever reason Pilate had his soldiers kill several Galileans who were apparently in the midst of offering sacrifices. The Jews had a history…

Heaven. Be There!

April 30, 2017
Heaven Is A Prepared Place. It is the kingdom into which the blessed of God are invited to enter at the last day. It has been prepared “from the foundation…
When speaking about prison ministry, it is usually accepted in a positive manner. Occasionally, there are a few that tend to speak negatively about those who are behind bars. The…


April 23, 2017
The resurrection of the body is a uniquely Christian doctrine. Throughout Scripture we encounter some who were resuscitated after having died but would eventually die again. Our focus should be…
SO WHAT IS THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN? It is something exciting and valuable. Finding it is finding a treasure which produces tremendous joy. It does not impoverish, but enriches the…
In Genesis 18, Moses records a visit made to Abraham by three men. As more of the details are revealed, it becomes evident that two of the men are angels…
Every single one of us alive today will one day die. (Cf. Hebrews 9:27) Where do you want to go when you die? We each only have two choices: heaven…
The concept of holiness is discussed throughout Scripture, from the holiness of God to that of His people. But what is holiness? How are we to define it?