Do you consider yourself to be a Christian? Why or on what basis do you consider yourself to be a Christian? The constant use of the term “Christian” in our day and time has caused it to lose value in the minds of believers. The term is often used to describe many who do not fit the biblical designation of “Christian.” It is extremely important that anyone who wants to be a Christian be obedient to the Lord’s will by accepting the fact that the Lord was crucified for us all an be immersed into His name (1 Corinthians 1:13). You can be obedient to Christ, become a follower of Christ in the sense of the New Testament, and legitimately wear the name Christian. It is not enough to claim to be a Christian; that claim must be based upon and backed by the teaching of the New Testament.

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The first letter of the apostle Peter was written to Christians who were suffering for their faith: Suffering is actually the theme of this letter, and Peter wrote to encourage…
All of us have experienced this from one side or the other. On one side, we perhaps can each remember a time when . . . a. We skinned a…
Has living as a Christian been easy for you, or are there times when you struggle to make it through the day? Do you ever find yourself questioning your faith…
Wisdom teaches us there is a proper time and procedure for every matter we will encounter. It keeps us from “making a mess of things” when we should take the…
We are so prone to forget rendering thanks to God that we must arouse ourselves to praise and ponder Him, lest God’s blessings go unacknowledged. Always remember God’s blessings for…
I want to encourage each of you to spend time this week with your physical family giving thanks to God for all of His blessings in your lives. Those of…
Even though we are morally capable, we have a tendency to turn from God’s will to self-will at every opportunity. Do you want your life to be better? Do you…
When the Gospel is proclaimed, certain things are destined to happen: a. Opposition b. Sacrifices will have to be made c. Satan will both oppose the truth and attempt to…

All Hands on Deck

November 6, 2022