While there were many “christs” or “anointed ones”, by the first century the Jews had come to understand there was only one “Christ” in the sense of their long awaited Messiah (Luke 7:19). “Summoning two of his disciples, John sent them to the Lord, saying, “Are You the Expected One, or do we look for someone else?”” (Luke 7:19, NASB95)  When the wise men arrive from the East and ask Herod, “Where is He who has been born King of the Jews?”, Herod gathered all the chief priests and scribes and asked them, where “the Christ was to be born” (Matthew 2:4).  They were able to give Herod an answer because one of the Messianic prophecies (Micah 5:2) identified Bethlehem as the place from which the coming Messiah would go forth.  The “Anointed One”, the “Messiah” of whom the Old Testament prophets spoke was none other than Jesus of Nazareth. He alone is Prophet, Priest and King!

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Ahab and Jezebel, a husband and wife who ruled over the kingdom of North Israel following the death of Ahab's father, Omri. Ahab's legacy was that he "did more to…
The punchline in some parables is brutal honesty about how the people were living versus how they should be living. Jesus told parables because He wanted people to understand the…
James gives us the formula that can be viewed from many different angels. Be swift to hear. Slow to speak. Slow to Anger.
In our text today, Paul begins by saying, “For you yourselves know, brethren, that our coming to you was not in vain” (v. 1). Have you ever done something that…
After King Solomon allowed his heart to be turned away from the Lord, he was warned by the Lord not to go after other gods, but he did not listen.
Last week, we examined five character qualifications which God looks for in these men. Paul lists them for us in 1 Timoothy 3:8-9. Men of dignity — men who are…
Maturity refers to the development at the end of a process of growth. The anticipation is that as physical or psychological growth is experienced spiritual growth will also take place.…
When it comes to His church, God’s paramount concern is not with buildings or programs but with the moral and spiritual character of those who lead and care for His…
Years ago, the American poet, John Greenleaf Whittier, wrote "For all sad words of toungue and pen, the saddest are these, 'It might have been.'" Had Solomon listened to and…
The word diakonos is most often used in this sense to refer to servants of God, Christ, the gospel, or the church. Paul uses diakonos most frequently: Usually in reference…