While there were many “christs” or “anointed ones”, by the first century the Jews had come to understand there was only one “Christ” in the sense of their long awaited Messiah (Luke 7:19). “Summoning two of his disciples, John sent them to the Lord, saying, “Are You the Expected One, or do we look for someone else?”” (Luke 7:19, NASB95) When the wise men arrive from the East and ask Herod, “Where is He who has been born King of the Jews?”, Herod gathered all the chief priests and scribes and asked them, where “the Christ was to be born” (Matthew 2:4). They were able to give Herod an answer because one of the Messianic prophecies (Micah 5:2) identified Bethlehem as the place from which the coming Messiah would go forth. The “Anointed One”, the “Messiah” of whom the Old Testament prophets spoke was none other than Jesus of Nazareth. He alone is Prophet, Priest and King!
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God spoke through the prophet Jeremiah and said, “You will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart” (Jeremiah 29:13). After writing about a…
In his Parable of the Sower, Jesus addressed some reasons as to why we do not finish:
a. For some, it is affliction or persecution which drives them off course.
b. For others, it is the distractions and cares of this world which cause them to abandon the race.
Only by putting things in proper perspective can we finish our course (Acts 20:24)
When we walk with Jesus (the Light) . . .
a. We are delivered from fear.
b. Liberated from doubt.
c. Possess a joy which no one may take from us.
Jesus’ challenge is that we “believe in the Light” (Him).
Over the last few days leading up to yesterday, Christmas Day, and perhaps even in the days to come, many of us have received or will receive gifts. They come…
Are you a person who is sick and tired of sin in your life — the lies, the despair, the guilt and hurt? Do you want to live a transformed life with a renewed mind and true purpose? Perhaps you are a Christian, but you have been living a lie, and you are tired of it. You want to be real. You want to live a zealous, productive and blessed life as someone who has been saved from his or her sins. What should you do?
Each of us makes a choice to either to fulfill God’s purpose in our lives or to completely abandon that purpose and plot our own course.
Heaven will surely be worth all the affliction and hardship you experience here while serving our Lord. If you haven’t submitted your life to Him in obedient faith, why not do so today?
You and I as God’s people do not need a proclamation or a special day in the year in which to express our gratitude to the One who is sovereign over all creation. It is something which we can and should do every day of the year.
In these difficult times, if you haven’t already done so, I want to encourage each of you to pick up God’s Word. Read it. Meditate upon it. Let God speak to your heart and your soul. I promise you, it will make a difference in your life. Time spent in His Word on a regular basis will bring more benefit to your life than we can possibly fathom.