We are sinners who cannot save ourselves. We deserve the punishment fitting our crimes, but Jesus Christ took our place. Through His death on the Cross, He paid the ransom price for our sins and reconciled us back to His Father.  Without Him, you and I have no way to the Father.

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In J.R.R. Tolkien's works the Hobbit and the The Lord of the Rings trilogy, there is a fictional character known as Gollum who refers to a certain ring as "my…
The message of Zephanniah is a simple one: Judgment is coming, but blessings will follow for those who heed the warning to repent. It was a message that would later…
Magic, spell books and evil spirits are the things we expect from J.K. Rowling and her Harry Potter series. Fanciful tales of places far away. However, our text today is…

Do Not Be Afraid

January 25, 2015
ON Tuesday, November 8, 1932, three years into the Great Depression, Franklin Delano Roosevelt was elected the 32nd President of the United States. Very few remember anything President Roosevelt said…

Who Is God?

January 18, 2015
Have you ever gotten the impression that some people really don't know God? There are various misconceptions of God exist all around us. Those who listened to Paul that day…

Everyone is a Leader

January 18, 2015
Are you on the brink of greatness or great success? Everyone must recognize that each one of us is a leader. Each one of us must choose to accept our…
Our Lord began with twelve men, Paul had Silas, Timothy and Luke. These men literally "turned the world upside down." Imagine what we can do if; we had a passion…