One day we will each have to give an account for what God has given us to do. Let us be sure that we don’t take what God has given to us and bury it away, but use it in a way that honors the God who gave it to us. The following series of lessons, brought to us by Jeff Keele is a good reminder to put on the servant attitude and work to bring people to our Father. By living in an way that mimics His Son’s life we can be servants for Him.

Paul calls upon each of us to change the way we think: About ourselves, about one another, and about our gifts. If we make excuses for not using our gifts we are in danger of experiencing the same condemnation as the slave who received the one talent in Jesus’ parable (Matthew 25:14-30).

Do you remember something about which you have been enthusiastic? Perhaps, you were so excited that you couldn’t even sleep the night before. When Paul exhorts us to be “fervent in spirit,” he is utilizing an idiom from his day, it literally meant “to boil in the spirit.”

Do we serve the Lord with enthusiasm? Can others tell that we care for one another? If your answer is no, then I must ask you, what are you doing to change things?

God has given us the opportunity to make a difference in our community. That difference starts with who we are — how do we treat one another. In 1 Thessalonians…
Today, if you and I are to have any part in Him, we must allow Him to wash us in the waters of baptism, even as the early Christians did.
I thank my God in all my remembrance of you, always offering prayer with joy in my every prayer for you all, in view of your participation in the gospel from the first day until now. For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus. Philippians 1:3–6

In the first part, we began looking at John 11, and the amazing miracle which John narrates for us — the raising of Lazarus, a man who had been dead…
When Abram, Levi & Saul’s names were changed, they were thereafter called by their new name.  Why was Jacob called both Jacob & Israel after his name was changed?
Salt is essential for life in general. Small amounts of salt are needed for certain types of plants. Our bodies utilize the sodium in salt. Salt was once a valuable…
According to evolutionists, Dinosaurs first evolved around 235 million years ago.  No humans lived at the time of the dinosaurs. Around 65 million years ago the dinosaurs disappeared. According to…
Peace is something sorely lacking in our world today. Nations and their leaders are at odds with each other. Animosity exists among leaders within nations. Even in local communities we…
In the last half of chapter 10 of John’s gospel, Jesus’ disciple reveals to us a final confrontation of Jesus with the hostile crowd in Jerusalem (vv. 22-39). This section…