One day we will each have to give an account for what God has given us to do. Let us be sure that we don’t take what God has given to us and bury it away, but use it in a way that honors the God who gave it to us. The following series of lessons, brought to us by Jeff Keele is a good reminder to put on the servant attitude and work to bring people to our Father. By living in an way that mimics His Son’s life we can be servants for Him.

Paul calls upon each of us to change the way we think: About ourselves, about one another, and about our gifts. If we make excuses for not using our gifts we are in danger of experiencing the same condemnation as the slave who received the one talent in Jesus’ parable (Matthew 25:14-30).

Do you remember something about which you have been enthusiastic? Perhaps, you were so excited that you couldn’t even sleep the night before. When Paul exhorts us to be “fervent in spirit,” he is utilizing an idiom from his day, it literally meant “to boil in the spirit.”

Do we serve the Lord with enthusiasm? Can others tell that we care for one another? If your answer is no, then I must ask you, what are you doing to change things?

Solomon teaches us to embrace our human frailty and to think clearly about time. In order to live well, you and I must accept two things: a. We are bound…
Verse 31, of Joshua chapter 24, tells us that not only did Israel serve “the Lord all the days of Joshua,” but also throughout “all the days of the elders…
Last week we looked at what Jesus said about Himself.  This morning I would like for us to ask ourselves, does His character match His claims. Our goal is to…
Are you enjoying the life which God has given you, or are you chasing the wind? Are you laying up treasure in heaven, or here on earth? 3. Is your…
“And the things that you have heard from me among many witnesses, commit these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also” (2 Timothy 2:2).  The young…

Who Is Jesus?

September 18, 2022
Why is it so important that you and I listen to these words of Jesus?  It is because there is coming a day when He shall return “in His glory,…
“There is nothing better for a man than to eat and drink and tell himself that his labor is good. This also I have seen that it is from the…

They Still Speak

September 11, 2022
There is a famous epitaph which has found its way onto many monuments and memorials throughout the English-speaking world. It was written by an English classical scholar name John Maxwell…
Details are important, but sometimes we miss them, simply because we weren’t paying attention. Have you ever had a teacher give you an exam and tell you to read it…
As we read these words of Solomon, it is very tempting to come away with a discouraged, pessimistic attitude. Please notice that Solomon is speaking to us about life “under…