What do you believe in? Do you believe in only those things which you can see, hear, taste, touch, or smell? Are you concerned only with what you can accomplish and acquire in this life?  If  so, you are missing a very important truth – there is a world, more real than this one in which God, His Son, His Spirit move and act.  It is a world inhabited by myriads upon myriads of angels and the spirits of the righteous made perfect.  It is also a world inhabited by Satan, his angels, and the spirits of the wicked.

That world exists alongside our world and one day we will see it as plainly as we see each other today. The knowledge of the existence of such a world should change the way we think about life here.  If we are not living our lives in view of the eternal, we are making a grave mistake.

Join with us in a series of lessons of  “Living Like a Christian”  brought to us by Brother Jeff Keele as he opens the Word of God and helps us to understand God’s plan for living as He asks us to.


Along with being able to listen to the sermons here on our website, they are available in audio CD format as well.  Please contact our church office if you would like to have a copy of these

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Our Great Salvation

December 11, 2022
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